Eksistens er èn

Trèet er eksistens

Månen er eksistens

Jeg er eksistens

Du er eksistens

Eksistensen lever sitt eget liv

La den leve livet (lev livet ditt!)

(innebærer at du lever livet ditt og ikke legger deg ned for å la eksistensen slippe fram, da gjør du det motsatte, for du er eksistens!)

The Light

IT is here
all the time
it can project whatever issue of mind
like what to do
and what to choose
in a different time than right now
creating mental constructs of how it should be like
evolving constructs
through patternized energy
with the sudden flash of awakening
it isn't reacheable in mental constructs of what it should be like
it is here in the now
all is ok
i don't need to rush cleaning up
or rush finish projects thinking they should be done by this time or that time
the now takes care of itself
the Goddess
No need to go look somewhere
All is fine
All is here
All the time


Good vs. Evil

As we come to the notion of Good vs Evil.
How to discern the Good from Evil, so we do Good and no Evil?
Well Good and Evil exist only as aspects of your own mind.
Outside your mind there are no Good and Evil.
There is only process of Life.
When we Experience Life, we are able to Self-Reflect.
When we do this, we can see that with This approach to Life, That will happen.
If you do not want That to happen anymore, you can try to change This approach.
By being Self-Reflective Beings, we see what happens in the process, experience it and we can change how to relate to It in the Now.
Be not afraid that you will do Evil.
Do whatever you would like, if you don't like the outcome, try something else.
Whatever fuels your fire is allright,
Create and re-create your Universe however you want, be Free!

soul on fire

my heart knows no history
while my universe burn to ashes
i love you

decode process work

code became scrambled

start solving code
uploading data tables complete

purify energy intake

run procedure

let go